

Hello I am a part of God, mine name is Miracle and I born in the year 1978 in Europe, and mine descendant begin in Turkey. I am a humanistic and dislike people those distinguish other people of them decent. I find that people on the world must be humanist, than now. Someone does not now how much people are also can be rich than the an other people can be are poor on this world. We must more understander each other on and give also each other the things that we give us self. ‘God makes the Signs plain to you: for God is full of knowledge and wisdom. “Amen”. All the people of the world needs love, that love gives God or Allah to you. God seek refuge with the Sustainer of men, the Sovereign of men, from the evil of the whispering, elusive tempter who whispers in the hearts of men from all invisible forces as well as men and if we everybody give that, than the world are can recenter for each other and each other descents.

1 – I.e., “Satan” in the widest meaning of this designation, as pointed out by Razi (quoted in surah 14, note 31).

2 – The above is perhaps the oldest Qur’anic mention of the term and concept of al-jinnah (synonymous with al-jinn), which has been tentatively explained in Appendix III. In the above context, the term probably denotes the intangible, mysterious forces of nature to which man’s psyche is exposed, and which sometimes make it difficult for us to discern between right and wrong, However, in the light of this last verse of the last surah of the Qur’an it is also possible to conclude that the “invisible forces” from which we are told to seek refuge with God are the temptations to evil emanating from the blindness of our own hearts, from our gross appetites, and from the erroneous notions and false values that may have been handed down to us by our predecessors.

God, you are my miracle you and you are my dream. God, you are inspiration and my motivation. God, you are a miracle and you are so solar. I love you God and I wish you all my loves, Miracle Amen


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